Best quotes by Chris Robinson on Music

Checkout quotes by Chris Robinson on Music

  • I didn't want to be told what to do. I don't want to water down my music to fit into their formats. I know what rock and roll is to me, but everything's turning into one big commercial.
    - Chris Robinson
  • My music is how I feel, and that's changed from being twenty years old to being forty-three years old.
    - Chris Robinson
  • No matter what, I'm always interested in making music.
    - Chris Robinson
  • Right now, I've never been more impressed by the new bands that we meet. I may be 10, 20 years older, but we're all on the same page about culture, music and life.
    - Chris Robinson
  • Since the early Nineties it's been very fashionable to say, 'It's all about the music.'
    - Chris Robinson
  • Being a pop artist or making music like a jingle or something - I don't do that.
    - Chris Robinson
  • The way we're going about things and what we want to do, we feel it has to be a really pure essence of music. That's where you get the most out of it.
    - Chris Robinson