Best quotes by Maria Ressa on Power

Checkout quotes by Maria Ressa on Power

  • Embrace your fear. Imagine what you're most afraid of, touch it and hold it so that you rob it of its power.
    - Maria Ressa
  • Journalism has a check-and-balance effect to those in power, and those in power submitted themselves to it.
    - Maria Ressa
  • Let me go back to a fundamental thing we all used to agree on: information is power. That's why we became journalists in the first place.
    - Maria Ressa
  • All around the world, leaders are gaining more power. That's what this pandemic demands: a coordinated whole-of-nation approach with a powerful conductor at its center.
    - Maria Ressa
  • Frankly, it's a bit shocking to me the lengths government will go to to let little Rappler feel its power.
    - Maria Ressa
  • In 14 months, my government, the Philippine 2 government, has filed 11 cases. I posted bail eight times, I've been arrested twice in five weeks, detained once, and the only thing I've done, my only crime is to be a journalist, to speak truth to power.
    - Maria Ressa