Best quotes by Ron DeSantis on Government

Checkout quotes by Ron DeSantis on Government

  • It is crucial that the House exercises its oversight functions to ensure constitutional accountability of government agencies, especially as the bureaucracies associated with ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank flex their muscles and seek to expand their authority.
    - Ron DeSantis
  • I'm honored to have the support of Attorney General Bondi. She has been a champion for constitutionally limited government in Florida and across the nation. Our state is fortunate to have a leader so dedicated to the rule of law.
    - Ron DeSantis
  • Don't make government work like a business... it's inherently inefficient.
    - Ron DeSantis
  • You need to be intent on reducing size, scope, and influence of government.
    - Ron DeSantis
  • Serving on the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight allows me to play a role making government more accountable by investigating waste, mismanagement, and improprieties.
    - Ron DeSantis
  • The House Judiciary Committee is a great place to promote our core principles of constitutionally limited government, individual freedom and the rule of law.
    - Ron DeSantis
  • A limited government is much more likely to be a competent government.
    - Ron DeSantis
  • I'm running for Congress to reverse Obama's big government policies, to be faithful to the principles on which our nation was founded, and to make members of Congress play by the same rules as the rest of us.
    - Ron DeSantis