Best quotes by Charles Horton Cooley on Life

Checkout quotes by Charles Horton Cooley on Life

  • The idea that seeing life means going from place to place and doing a great variety of obvious things is an illusion natural to dull minds.
    - Charles Horton Cooley
  • We have no higher life that is really apart from other people. It is by imagining them that our personality is built up; to be without the power of imagining them is to be a low-grade idiot.
    - Charles Horton Cooley
  • There is no way to penetrate the surface of life but by attacking it earnestly at a particular point.
    - Charles Horton Cooley
  • The need to exert power, when thwarted in the open fields of life, is the more likely to assert itself in trifles.
    - Charles Horton Cooley
  • The literature of the inner life is very largely a record of struggle with the inordinate passions of the social self.
    - Charles Horton Cooley