Best quotes by Gordon Brown on Future

Checkout quotes by Gordon Brown on Future

  • Stability is necessary for our future economic success.
    - Gordon Brown
  • It will not be a surprise to you to learn I'm more interested in the future of the Arctic Circle than the future of the Arctic Monkeys.
    - Gordon Brown
  • We are being tough in saying it is a duty on the unemployed in future not only to be available for work - and not to shirk work - but also to get the skills for work. That is a new duty we are introducing.
    - Gordon Brown
  • The British economy of the future must be built not on the shifting sands of boom and bust, but on the bedrock of prudent and wise economic management for the long term. It is only these firm foundations that we can raise Britain's underlying economic performance.
    - Gordon Brown
  • You have to live in the future, not the past.
    - Gordon Brown
  • I welcome the role that people of faith play in building Britain's future - and the Catholic communion in particular is to be congratulated for so often being the conscience of our country, for helping 'the least of these' even when bearing witness to the truth is hard or unpopular.
    - Gordon Brown