Best quotes by Robert Jeffress on God

Checkout quotes by Robert Jeffress on God

  • I see apostasy in many ways occurring in Evangelical churches that really aren't teaching the truth of God's word. I do believe that some churches have become entertainment centers and a teaching a type of prosperity Gospel rather than teaching God's word.
    - Robert Jeffress
  • God instructed Nehemiah to build a wall around Jerusalem to protect its citizens from enemy attack. You see, God is not against building walls!
    - Robert Jeffress
  • The fact is you cannot talk about the love of God. The love of God has no meaning whatsoever unless you understand the judgment of God that all of us deserve.
    - Robert Jeffress
  • Make no mistake about it - Islam is just not another way to approach God.
    - Robert Jeffress
  • The fact that what we believe about marriage - that it should be between a man and a woman - and that we're pro-life, somehow that becomes radical? Why is that? It's because our culture has changed. But the truth is, culture may change, people change, but the Word of God never changes, and that's what we rest our belief system on.
    - Robert Jeffress
  • God decided when we would be born and when we would be born again. We have the Spirit and the Gospel. To think that we deserve to live in different times is to tell God that we deserve a better mission field than the one He has given us.
    - Robert Jeffress
  • If I started preaching politics from the pulpit, our church would empty overnight. That's not why people come to church. They want to hear the word of God being proclaimed, not the word of Robert Jeffress.
    - Robert Jeffress
  • These protesters, opposing me or our church, they're protesting the eternal Word of God, and guess what - they're not going to be successful in toppling the Word of God.
    - Robert Jeffress
  • Homosexuality is a violation of God's standard.
    - Robert Jeffress