Best quotes by Lady Gregory on World

Checkout quotes by Lady Gregory on World

  • From the sons of Ith, the first of the Gael to get his death in Ireland, there came in the after time Fathadh Canaan, that got the sway over the whole world from the rising to the setting sun, and that took hostages of the streams and the birds and the languages.
    - Lady Gregory
  • I don't know in the world why anyone would consent to be a king, and never to be left to himself, but to be worried and wearied and interfered with from dark to daybreak and from morning to the fall of night.
    - Lady Gregory
  • We would not give up our own country - Ireland - if we were to get the whole world as an estate, and the Country of the Young along with it.
    - Lady Gregory
  • Every day in the year there comes some malice into the world, and where it comes from is no good place.
    - Lady Gregory
  • There's too many sounds in the world! The sounds of the earth are terrible! The roots squeezing and jostling one another through the clefts, and the crashing of the acorn from the oak. The cry of the little birdeen in under the silence of the hawk!
    - Lady Gregory