Best quotes by Pete Wentz on Music

Checkout quotes by Pete Wentz on Music

  • Soccer presented no challenge to me. Playing felt like breathing: I always had a magical connection to the ball. But it didn't feel like an adventure. Music was more of a challenge and, in the end, felt more interesting.
    - Pete Wentz
  • I think people who just know me from my band think I don't like pop music. The truth is I love pop music.
    - Pete Wentz
  • Look: I download music illegally, if I really want it. But I always then buy the record - I support art.
    - Pete Wentz
  • Everyone has learned how to monetize music except the music industry.
    - Pete Wentz
  • I think Kurt Cobain and Nirvana represent this giant wave that came crashing in and turned music on its head again, and there's definitely something to be said for that.
    - Pete Wentz