Best quotes by Robbie Lawler on Fight

Checkout quotes by Robbie Lawler on Fight

  • Everyone likes different things. Not everyone's the same. Not everyone runs their mouth. Not everyone can fight.
    - Robbie Lawler
  • I only know I feel good when I fight.
    - Robbie Lawler
  • I know you can't fight forever, and there's only so long you can do this.
    - Robbie Lawler
  • There wasn't much money in this sport when I started, but I didn't get into it because of money. I loved to fight, and I loved MMA.
    - Robbie Lawler
  • My coaches and I always stress getting better and working on all aspects, so I'm ready to fight and take it to the next level.
    - Robbie Lawler
  • I fought for, like, five years in Hawaii - nothing better than that. It was awesome. Every fight, I went on vacation, and I wasn't cutting any weight, so I could just eat whatever I wanted. I enjoyed it.
    - Robbie Lawler
  • I'm going to fight until my body says otherwise.
    - Robbie Lawler
  • I try not to worry about what people think and what people think I should do each fight, how impressive I need to be. I need to go out there and win; that's what it comes down to.
    - Robbie Lawler
  • I just take it one fight at a time.
    - Robbie Lawler
  • I'm just a quiet guy who loved to fight.
    - Robbie Lawler
  • I worry about myself in the ring; I worry about what I can do and how I can dictate a fight.
    - Robbie Lawler