Best quotes by Angela Stanton-King on Life

Checkout quotes by Angela Stanton-King on Life

  • I turned my life around. I have completely redeemed my life.
    - Angela Stanton-King
  • I turned my life around. I have completely redeemed my life.
    - Angela Stanton-King
  • When I was released from prison 15 years ago, I was given a $25 check and a bus ticket and told to start my life over.
    - Angela Stanton-King
  • When I was released from prison 15 years ago, I was given a $25 check and a bus ticket and told to start my life over.
    - Angela Stanton-King
  • I am a strong believer in the sanctity of life. It's time that someone stands up for the lives of the unborn.
    - Angela Stanton-King
  • It's hypocritical to say Black Lives Matter' when we know Black life begins in the womb.
    - Angela Stanton-King
  • I have never run for office and I don't have political experience. But I do have life experiences.
    - Angela Stanton-King
  • I myself spent some time in prison, so I know the type of trajectory that a criminal offense can put on someone's life.
    - Angela Stanton-King