Best quotes by Gail Bradbrook on Change

Checkout quotes by Gail Bradbrook on Change

  • I always had a desire to see change and be part of it.
    - Gail Bradbrook
  • What happens if you stand passively by the side of the road with a placard saying, you know, 'Stop climate change' is you just get ignored. When you get on the street and block it, people start to have a conversation about this existential situation that we're in.
    - Gail Bradbrook
  • I'd been focused on trying to start civil disobedience since 2010. I'd tried many things and they hadn't worked. So I went on a retreat and prayed, with some psychedelic medicines. It was really intense and I prayed for what I called the codes for social change and within a month my prayer was answered.
    - Gail Bradbrook
  • I've always been interested in how things change, in social change. I was involved in the animal rights movement as a young woman, I've been involved in thinking about gender and issues around racism and so on.
    - Gail Bradbrook
  • Economic growth tends to require the taking of resources from the Earth. So something has to change on a debt-based economy.
    - Gail Bradbrook
  • I want the system to change so I think you could call that a revolution.
    - Gail Bradbrook
  • Change comes when people are willing to commit acts of peaceful civil disobedience.
    - Gail Bradbrook
  • Given the scale of the ecological crisis we are facing this is the appropriate scale of expansion. Occupying the streets to bring about change as our ancestors have done before us. Only this kind of large-scale economic disruption can rapidly bring the government to the table to discuss our demands. We are prepared to risk it all for our futures.
    - Gail Bradbrook
  • The UN has given us until 2020 to change the course of humanity. If that doesn't happen human extinction in my children's lifetime is a possibility.
    - Gail Bradbrook
  • People think that climate change is something happening to somebody else at some other time but it's coming home.
    - Gail Bradbrook
  • We need to go to net zero carbon really quickly. And we're also asking for a people's assembly so people can decide how the change happens. We'll know when governments are doing different things, it could feel like a war, a beautiful war.
    - Gail Bradbrook
  • This is not a slow movement of change. It's a shift in the consciousness of each of us. It is a collective shift. It involves facing grief and trauma and undoing our numbness and our narcissism and our indulgence that we have in this privileged western society.
    - Gail Bradbrook