Best quotes by Tim Burton on Life

Checkout quotes by Tim Burton on Life

  • Visions are worth fighting for. Why spend your life making someone else's dreams?
    - Tim Burton
  • A lot of things you see as a child remain with you... you spend a lot of your life trying to recapture the experience.
    - Tim Burton
  • I can't remember any dreams in my life. There's so much strange in real life that it often seems like a dream.
    - Tim Burton
  • People say I am stuck in childhood, but it's not that. I remember seeing a Matisse retrospective, and you could see he started out one way, and then he tried something different, and then he seemed to spend his whole life trying to get back to the first thing.
    - Tim Burton
  • Things that I grew up with stay with me. You start a certain way, and then you spend your whole life trying to find a certain simplicity that you had. It's less about staying in childhood than keeping a certain spirit of seeing things in a different way.
    - Tim Burton
  • There's something about seeing this little inanimate object coming to life that's just very exciting. That's why with 'Nightmare' I held out for so long to do it.
    - Tim Burton
  • It's people who you've seen that have given you a lot. In some ways, I felt they helped me psychologically because you see these people up on the screen going through torment and being on the outside, and somehow you relate to them, and it helps you get through life. It's a real honour and pleasure to then meet these people.
    - Tim Burton