Best quotes by Richard Madden on Game

Checkout quotes by Richard Madden on Game

  • I always try to pick my parts to be as diverse as I can, and especially when you do 'Game of Thrones' for so many months of the year.
    - Richard Madden
  • Google is the enemy. I would tell that to anyone who enjoys any TV show like 'Game of Thrones' to avoid it; it spoils so many storylines.
    - Richard Madden
  • Typically in 'Game of Thrones,' people who are honest and just and do things for the right reasons tend not to survive.
    - Richard Madden
  • I kind of started 'Game of Thrones' as a really young actor and not a lot on my CV.
    - Richard Madden
  • No one in safe in 'Game of Thrones.'
    - Richard Madden
  • 'Game of Thrones' couldn't be a movie. There's too much in it. You couldn't do it justice.
    - Richard Madden
  • Good people never survive on 'Game of Thrones.' That's the problem.
    - Richard Madden
  • I thought 'Game of Thrones' had this challenge in filming, and it's one of those things you think, 'It can't get worse than this,' because it's really cold, and you're in pain, and it's miserable.
    - Richard Madden