Best quotes by Rob Sheffield on Love

Checkout quotes by Rob Sheffield on Love

  • The 2000s were the time when bromance became a kind of love that dared to speak its name. As a high-water mark of bro culture, nothing can ever top the MTV series 'Bromance,' with Brody Jenner and his search for a new BFF.
    - Rob Sheffield
  • God bless America - what other civilization would give Patrick Dempsey another shot to rule as a sex symbol, twenty years after 'Meatballs III: Summer Job?' His reign as Dr. McDreamy on 'Grey's Anatomy' is proof that there's nothing we love more than giving Eighties celebs a heartwarming second stab at life.
    - Rob Sheffield
  • Donna Summer would be remembered as a ground-breaking artist today even if she'd retired the day after she recorded 'I Feel Love' in 1977.
    - Rob Sheffield
  • One of the billions of things I love about Beyonce: The harder she tries to come on crazy, the less crazy she sounds.
    - Rob Sheffield
  • 'Drive,' that's the one. I love dozens of songs by R.E.M., but that's the one, even though it took me 7 or 8 years to start liking it.
    - Rob Sheffield