Best quotes by Mary Beard on Women

Checkout quotes by Mary Beard on Women

  • We have never escaped a certain male cultural desire for women's silence.
    - Mary Beard
  • One of the downsides of working in antiquity is that you don't have many female voices, but you certainly have a lot of male terror about the potential of women's power. It shows you very clearly that the most oppressive cultures tend to be afraid of those whom they oppress.
    - Mary Beard
  • You cannot easily fit women into a structure that is already coded as male; you have to change the structure.
    - Mary Beard
  • When you look at me on the telly and say, 'She should be on 'The Undateables,'' you are looking at a 59-year-old woman. That is what 59-year-old women who have not had work done look like. Get it?
    - Mary Beard
  • If women are not perceived to be fully within the structures of power, surely it is power that we need to redefine rather than women?
    - Mary Beard
  • I have always thought the women's movement traded too much on outrage and not enough on ridicule.
    - Mary Beard
  • I don't want to see a world in which women can communicate on Twitter, but their actual voices are not heard.
    - Mary Beard
  • It wasn't until I got to Cambridge that I discovered active discrimination against women.
    - Mary Beard
  • No women in ancient Rome ever had the vote.
    - Mary Beard
  • For whatever reason, some sorts of women's silence were broken by MeToo. This is the optimistic bit. And that will lead to a much more careful attention to women's voices.
    - Mary Beard
  • I'm not in the slightest wanting to attack the women's movement here. But I think that in popular, broadly left-wing, broadly feminist discourse, there is a tendency to just label discrimination against women - and embedded assumptions about them - as misogyny and think 'job done.'
    - Mary Beard