Best quotes by Philippe Petit on High

Checkout quotes by Philippe Petit on High

  • I am the poet of the high wire - I never do stunts; I do theatrical performances.
    - Philippe Petit
  • I walk on the wire; it's my profession, and there are no two high wire walks alike.
    - Philippe Petit
  • On the high wire, within months, I'm able to master all the tricks they do in the circus, except I am not satisfied.
    - Philippe Petit
  • It's very normal - when you're not used to the world of the high wire, it's very normal to be simply terrified. The reason I'm not is because I've done it for so many years.
    - Philippe Petit
  • I've been arrested many times for illegal high wire walking and illegal street performing.
    - Philippe Petit
  • I was thrown out of different schools because I was practicing my arts - magic, juggling, and the high wire.
    - Philippe Petit