Best quotes by Deadmau5 on Music

Checkout quotes by Deadmau5 on Music

  • EDM is, like... Event-Driven Marketing, I think, is the acronym there. It reminds me a lot of disco. That had some hang-time, like, 10, 15, 17 years tops... Not too many people are forward-thinking about electronic music. They're just kinda like, 'Now, now, now - do it, do it.'
    - Deadmau5
  • Everybody's all up on the EDM bandwagon now, because it's, like, another viable conduit for traditional pop music to ride for a bit so they can get out of their little stagnant pool and make a dance hit.
    - Deadmau5
  • God bless Skrillex. I love the kid, but he puts out a new video, what, every four weeks? I'm like the Dos Equis guy. I don't normally do music videos, but when I do, I go big.
    - Deadmau5
  • I have a very varied taste in music from Boards of Canada to Radiohead. So I just love making music and being in the studio.
    - Deadmau5
  • Music is 80 percent fun and 20 percent work. Video games, for me, is all fun.
    - Deadmau5
  • I get to listen and enjoy music that is partially mine. Maybe influenced and guided. I created some simple outlines, but ultimately, I'm hearing a derivative work.
    - Deadmau5
  • I really like the grittiness of early Amon Tobin - I'm a huge fan of his old music, and I tried to borrow from it, not emulate it. I don't love my own original work.
    - Deadmau5
  • There are some guys out there who make great music who may or may not be super-emotionally attached to their work. To each their own.
    - Deadmau5
  • It would be cool to custom-write music for some kind of story. That'd be cool.
    - Deadmau5
  • Nothing goes full-circle with music.
    - Deadmau5