Best quotes by Dave Rubin on Life

Checkout quotes by Dave Rubin on Life

  • I spent too many years of my life stressing over and struggling with my sexuality. But it was a valuable lesson. I realised that by not sharing how you feel, you become inhibited in every facet of life.
    - Dave Rubin
  • I spent too many years of my life stressing over and struggling with my sexuality. But it was a valuable lesson. I realised that by not sharing how you feel, you become inhibited in every facet of life.
    - Dave Rubin
  • Think about your friends on the Left - are they tolerant of people who aren't for gay marriage? Or of people who are pro-life? These used to be just political differences, and now they are a referendum on what type of person you are and whether you can be in someone's life at all.
    - Dave Rubin
  • I'm not even proud to say this, but I've never voted for a Republican in my entire life.
    - Dave Rubin
  • I firmly believe in individual liberty more than anything else. And that you have to live the life you want for yourself.
    - Dave Rubin
  • Seriously, we all need to get over being offended every time someone says something you don't agree with. Guess what? That's life. And I'd rather have that life any day than only hear from people who agree with me.
    - Dave Rubin
  • I don't do anything in my life as far as I know, or at least consciously, that's based in religion.
    - Dave Rubin
  • I don't do anything in my life as far as I know, or at least consciously, that's based in religion.
    - Dave Rubin