Best quotes by Philippe Cousteau, Jr. on Youth

Checkout quotes by Philippe Cousteau, Jr. on Youth

  • The goal of each EarthEcho Expedition is to inspire and empower youth around the world with the knowledge and tools to take an active role in protecting critical natural resources in their own communities.
    - Philippe Cousteau, Jr.
  • With EarthEcho Expedition: Acid Apocalypse, we are working with youth leaders and noted experts on the changing chemistry of our ocean to help illuminate one of our most pressing and inscrutable environmental issues.
    - Philippe Cousteau, Jr.
  • EarthEcho Expeditions represents the culmination of more than a decade of working with educators and youth from around the world. EarthEcho Expeditions uses the thrill of adventure to inspire and empower a new generation of environmental champions.
    - Philippe Cousteau, Jr.
  • My grandfather raised me believing in the power of youth to change the world.
    - Philippe Cousteau, Jr.
  • I have spent many years working in education and media, from hosting documentaries to being a spokesperson for Discovery Education to revolutionizing youth environmental service through my non-profit, EarthEcho International.
    - Philippe Cousteau, Jr.