Best quotes by Kat Timpf on Government

Checkout quotes by Kat Timpf on Government

  • The bottom line is: If any government has a rule that would legally allow it to punish people for things that don't deserve punishment, then that law should be scrapped or changed.
    - Kat Timpf
  • Don't like flag-burning? Fine. Hate flag-burning? Me too! The thing is, though, hating something doesn't always mean that the answer is to call on government powers to ban it - and, in fact, I'd say that that is rarely the best solution, especially when it comes to speech.
    - Kat Timpf
  • Our freedom to criticize the government - as openly and brutally as we want to - serves as a vital check against unbridled government power and control.
    - Kat Timpf
  • It's true: Whenever I see a government rule that could clearly be used to punish people for doing innocuous things, it is never enough for some government official to just assure me that it won't be used that way. Those assurances, after all, aren't binding; they're lip service.
    - Kat Timpf
  • As both a First Amendment absolutist and as an American, I want to keep our government as far away from our press as possible.
    - Kat Timpf
  • There's people on the left who refuse to consider that anybody but the government can solve any of their problems.
    - Kat Timpf
  • The bottom line is this: It is not, in a country that was founded on the values of individual liberty and personal responsibility, the job of the government (read: completely uninvolved taxpayers) to pay for someone else's mistake.
    - Kat Timpf