Best quotes by Pete Wentz on Love

Checkout quotes by Pete Wentz on Love

  • Somewhere I just want to find someone that's going to love me forever no matter what; I want someone to show the inside of my head to. That thought keeps me going.
    - Pete Wentz
  • There's nothing worse than watching an old wrinkly guy going, 'Hey, baby.' You're like, 'Dude, that's lame.' It's cool to fall in love and grow old with someone.
    - Pete Wentz
  • I think people who just know me from my band think I don't like pop music. The truth is I love pop music.
    - Pete Wentz
  • I love writing, but I have that E. E. Cummings idea that as long as you stay inside the rules of your own world, it doesn't matter what it is.
    - Pete Wentz
  • I like individual scents on a girl, so you always recognize her and you keep her separate from other people in your head. I really love Egyptian musk. I've even gone to the mall and sprayed perfumes and just smelled them. I'm creepy. So creepy.
    - Pete Wentz