Best quotes by Peter Hook on Music

Checkout quotes by Peter Hook on Music

  • I play a lot of hard, uncompromising dance music; it can be anything from dance to rock to reggae.
    - Peter Hook
  • I think that you have to bear in mind that music is about escape, and it's not unreasonable to think the music business would be based around escapism.
    - Peter Hook
  • I don't pretend to be Joy Division or New Order. What I do is very straight forward: it's an interpretation and a celebration of the music, with different people. Everyone looks at it and knows exactly what I'm doing.
    - Peter Hook
  • Music was such an important part of everyone's life in the '60s and '70s, but everywhere you played, the music was dreadful.
    - Peter Hook
  • The thing with Joy Division's music is that each member was playing like a separate line. We hardly ever played together; we all played separately. But when you put it together, it was like the ingredients in a cake.
    - Peter Hook
  • The rise of the iPod meant that digital music became the norm, It's sad, but you can still find the real stuff out there if you look for it!
    - Peter Hook