Best quotes by Jack McBrayer on People

Checkout quotes by Jack McBrayer on People

  • I'm one of those people who really liked high school. I know that might not be a popular thing to say, but it was fun, and I enjoyed my friends.
    - Jack McBrayer
  • In college, I didn't perform so much, but when I graduated is when I discovered Second City. Then I realized, 'Oh, there are people who can focus on comedy and especially improvisational comedy and make a career out of it.'
    - Jack McBrayer
  • I did one touring show with Horatio Sanz. We went to, I think it was Iowa State University, and we were in this field house, so people were sitting on the floor. It started out with 2,500 people in there. We delivered the most mediocre improv, and it went from a crowd of 2,500 to 250 people in the course of 45 minutes. It was grim.
    - Jack McBrayer
  • To me, it's weird when people review improv at all.
    - Jack McBrayer
  • I think any actor just wants to keep working, and for me, I want to work on projects that are with fun people.
    - Jack McBrayer
  • Can I eventually take classes and eliminate my accent? Sure. I guess anybody could. But this is who I am, and this is what I got. And there are millions of people who sound just like me. Millions. It's not like this is some novelty.
    - Jack McBrayer
  • I love doing improv, and I swear by it, and I encourage people to take classes, and blah blah blah. But it's always been interesting how it doesn't necessarily translate to television.
    - Jack McBrayer