Best quotes by Tippi Hedren on Life

Checkout quotes by Tippi Hedren on Life

  • Being the object of Alfred Hitchcock's obsession was horrific, but while he ruined my career, he could never ruin my life.
    - Tippi Hedren
  • Being the object of Alfred Hitchcock's obsession was horrific, but while he ruined my career, he could never ruin my life.
    - Tippi Hedren
  • Honest to God, all my life I have had such a fear of spiders. In fact, I use to have a reoccurring dream about one. Very clearly, it was black with a red head. It would sit up in the corner of the bedroom and when it started getting closer, I would wake up in a panic.
    - Tippi Hedren
  • 'Marnie' was ahead of its time. People didn't talk about childhood and its effects on adult life. It was taboo to discuss sexuality and psychology and to put all that into a film was shocking.
    - Tippi Hedren
  • Everything that I've done in my life was to lead me to my work with the animals.
    - Tippi Hedren