Best quotes by Pete Buttigieg on Politics

Checkout quotes by Pete Buttigieg on Politics

  • Greatness will come by looking forward - untethered from the politics of the past and anchored by our shared values - and by changing our nation's future.
    - Pete Buttigieg
  • As the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, I see on a daily basis the impact of politics and policy on my family, neighbors, friends, and residents.
    - Pete Buttigieg
  • Like anyone who follows politics, I am sometimes mesmerized by the twisted and relentless drama playing out in Washington. But I also know about the price of distraction - the consequences of our attention being diverted from how politics affects daily life.
    - Pete Buttigieg
  • So much of politics is about people's relationships with themselves. You do better if you make people feel secure in who they are.
    - Pete Buttigieg
  • Those of us who work in politics can only make ourselves useful if our heads are filled with things that we can contribute to the political space.
    - Pete Buttigieg
  • Being attentive to the things that add meaning to our lives alongside politics will help us inform our politics with the values that really do make America great.
    - Pete Buttigieg