Best quotes by Oscar Munoz on Service

Checkout quotes by Oscar Munoz on Service

  • Our employees and competitors thought we were docile. We want to be defiantly disruptive. I don't mean necessarily by launching price wars but by being the best at the basics - having the best customer service, the best on-time performance, the best coffee - in a thoughtful, not a testosterone-laced, way.
    - Oscar Munoz
  • We are dedicated to setting the standard for customer service among U.S. airlines, as we elevate the experience our customers have with us from booking to baggage claim.
    - Oscar Munoz
  • Somewhere in the mix, we forgot the very critical people who deliver the service.
    - Oscar Munoz
  • I think one of the things that, at least, I found out over - and many have in the industry - is that of all the customer service desires and needs, price is one of them.
    - Oscar Munoz
  • It's so important that we tell customers what's going on as best as we can. And we're trying to do that. We don't often know ourselves, for so many different factors, but reliability, flexibility, and information are the three critical customer service orientations.
    - Oscar Munoz