Best quotes by Warren Spector on Game

Checkout quotes by Warren Spector on Game

  • The concept of emergent gameplay is really exciting. That's when players are really crafting their own experience. So if you're clever and creative, you can do things that even developers of the game didn't know were possible.
    - Warren Spector
  • I conceived the original 'Deus Ex' and was the project director on the game.
    - Warren Spector
  • As far as the timing, well, I'd write that off to luck as much as anything - I happened to be out looking for a development deal, and Disney happened to think my team and I might be the right people to make a Mickey Mouse game.
    - Warren Spector
  • I've got a PowerPoint deck that I use for internal presentations, and there's a slide on it that asks, 'What percentage of your game is combat versus exploration versus puzzle solving versus platforming,' and I refuse to answer that question.
    - Warren Spector
  • I will not support any game that doesn't express what I think is worthwhile.
    - Warren Spector
  • We're not going to do a Facebook game aimed at 35-year old women about farming.
    - Warren Spector
  • Used games allow more people, specifically younger people, to become game fans because of the lower price point.
    - Warren Spector
  • If anything, game development is even more of a team effort than making a movie, so for individuals to get credit for making a game is absolutely insane.
    - Warren Spector
  • I think the power of the platforms is outstripping the size of the audience. We can't charge $150 for a game. And when the best-selling game of all time has sold only 20 million copies at $60, do the math!
    - Warren Spector
  • I have never been assigned a game, I have never made a game I didn't want to make. I've never done anything just to make somebody some money.
    - Warren Spector
  • I have never made a game that wasn't explicitly about empowering players to tell their own story.
    - Warren Spector
  • Every game has to teach you how to walk, run, talk, use.
    - Warren Spector
  • Gamers both demand and deserve novelty. They need something new. As a game developer, one of my rules is there will be at least one thing in every game that I worked on that no one on the planet has seen before.
    - Warren Spector