Best quotes by Caroline Lucas on Power

Checkout quotes by Caroline Lucas on Power

  • Britain is a parliamentary democracy. Power rests in Parliament, in the House of Commons, and the government - the executive - has to seek the consent of MPs for its legislation.
    - Caroline Lucas
  • Unquestionably, major transformation of the way the U.K. generates its heat and power is essential.
    - Caroline Lucas
  • Politicians can either keep listening to a small number of polluting fossil fuel companies, who're keen to profit from keeping us hooked on oil, coal and gas, or they can listen to the majority of other voices from civil society to business calling for an urgent switch to low and zero carbon heat and power.
    - Caroline Lucas
  • It used to be said that war was the locomotive of history, with its power to accelerate change. The coronavirus crisis has that same power. It has already shown us who we really are, and how there is much more than unites than divides us. It has shown how governments need to work with their citizens to overcome threats or challenges.
    - Caroline Lucas
  • The creation of regional mayors has done little to reduce the sense that all power is concentrated in Westminster, and all investment in London.
    - Caroline Lucas
  • If we genuinely believe in a bigger future for our country, we have to redistribute both wealth and power - so people can take back control for good, not just for one vote.
    - Caroline Lucas
  • Labour needs to end its support for expensive nuclear power and vanity projects like HS2, and take a firm stance against the ecologically impossible expansion of airports.
    - Caroline Lucas
  • The people who serve your fast food lunch or your after-work drinks deserve dignity - and if big companies don't start paying them enough for a decent standard of living, they have the power to close these businesses. But no one goes on strike lightly.
    - Caroline Lucas
  • When threats become unspeakable, unshareable and even unreadable, their power over us only grows.
    - Caroline Lucas