Best quotes by Pauline Hanson on World

Checkout quotes by Pauline Hanson on World

  • We are regarded as a Third World country with First World living conditions.
    - Pauline Hanson
  • We have one of the highest interest rates in the world, and we owe more money per capita than any other country. All we need is a nail hole in the bottom of the boat and we're sunk.
    - Pauline Hanson
  • I may be only a fish and chip shop lady, but some of these economists need to get their heads out of the textbooks and get a job in the real world. I would not even let one of them handle my grocery shopping.
    - Pauline Hanson
  • The World Health Organisation has a lot of its medical experts sitting in Geneva while hospitals in Africa have no drugs and desperate patients are forced to seek medication on the black market.
    - Pauline Hanson
  • Islam cannot have a significant presence in Australia if we are to live in an open, secular, and cohesive society. We have seen the destruction it is causing around the world.
    - Pauline Hanson