Best quotes by Natalia Kills on Music

Checkout quotes by Natalia Kills on Music

  • I realized that, all along, my theory was right: Make music that you want to hear, and instead of having fans that one day might criticize or abandon you, your fans aren't even fans. They're people with tastes similar to yours. They're friends you haven't met yet.
    - Natalia Kills
  • I definitely feel excited to be able to put really hard beats - like hip-hop beats - behind my music, more than I did before.
    - Natalia Kills
  • If people go into music with the idea of competing with other artists, then they're doing it for all the wrong reasons.
    - Natalia Kills
  • I don't listen to music, actually. Obviously I go to clubs; I stand in elevators; a lot of my friends are musicians; I hear music all the time. But I don't have my own collection of music.
    - Natalia Kills
  • When I was in my early teens, I joined a cult. And we weren't allowed to listen to secular music or anything that wasn't made by us. So I spent a lot of time not listening to music, and by the time I could, I just didn't get into it.
    - Natalia Kills
  • I make music because I like making music.
    - Natalia Kills
  • I make the music my ears want to hear, I wear the clothes my body wants to wear and the ones boys call me back for, and I generally make the songs that my feet dance to.
    - Natalia Kills