Best quotes by David Brock on Day

Checkout quotes by David Brock on Day

  • Our nation marches closer to Trumpism each day, a path paved with reckless Tweets and the normalization of the ugly and the absurd.
    - David Brock
  • All of these attacks on Secretary Clinton, at the end of the day, are character attacks.
    - David Brock
  • I didn't wake up one day and say, you know, 'Supply-side economics doesn't make sense.'
    - David Brock
  • At the end of the day, I think Donald Trump will be the great unifier of the Democratic Party.
    - David Brock
  • When I founded Media Matters, there was another model, which would have been to call this the Brock Report. But I was much less interested in my own profile by that point, because I had already done that once, and it was not terribly fulfilling at the end of the day.
    - David Brock