Best quotes by Oliver Stark on People

Checkout quotes by Oliver Stark on People

  • Often the people with the biggest smiles can be struggling the most.
    - Oliver Stark
  • There's something very comforting in the fact that you're given this reminder that whatever it is, whatever situation you find yourself in, there are these people that will run into the danger to keep you safe.
    - Oliver Stark
  • There are some really genuinely talented people that make fan videos. They cut them really well, like, I'm amazed at the quality these editors have.
    - Oliver Stark
  • People are really connecting to my birthmark. I'm getting lots of messages from moms saying that their child has a birthmark on their face and it's a huge boost of confidence to them.
    - Oliver Stark
  • We don't think about the first responders until we need them. Like I don't unconsciously think everyday about these people and their lives, but that is what they are doing.
    - Oliver Stark
  • So when I'm tweeting with people, I'm just surprised that anybody wants to talk to me, to be honest with you. So I'm still walking on cloud nine while I get to do that stuff with people.
    - Oliver Stark