Best quotes by Vangelis on Music

Checkout quotes by Vangelis on Music

  • I absolutely respect and I believe I serve music.
    - Vangelis
  • Music dominates the universe. It is the prime force. It has given shape to space.
    - Vangelis
  • Music is science more than art, and it is the main code of the universe.
    - Vangelis
  • My father was in property, but he was a great lover of music.
    - Vangelis
  • I think it was inevitable that I get into synthesizer music. I always wanted to deal with sound more than anything else. I couldn't get the sounds I wanted out of the piano.
    - Vangelis
  • My main language was music, and my teacher was nature.
    - Vangelis
  • Every day I paint, and every day I compose music.
    - Vangelis
  • If I've made money from music, it was never my aim to do that. I didn't do it to become famous.
    - Vangelis
  • I'm a composer. I know nothing about money and commercial stuff. I just write music.
    - Vangelis
  • I prefer to have the music as pure as possible. I don't want to say, 'Oh yes, this is good. This is not good; I have to do it again.' I don't want to do it again. I want to do it once. It's no good, I do another one.
    - Vangelis