Best quotes by Sir Mix-a-Lot on People

Checkout quotes by Sir Mix-a-Lot on People

  • Successful people jump at opportunity and take advantage of it.
    - Sir Mix-a-Lot
  • Most of my money is more brand association deals. I own my publishing so that's allowed me to leverage my brand in ways that most people cannot or will not because they won't make any money doing it.
    - Sir Mix-a-Lot
  • I tell people all the time, I'm Mix-A-Lot. I'm not a rocket scientist.
    - Sir Mix-a-Lot
  • A lot of people have said 'people should see you work in the studio,' because a lot of people don't realize I'm an actual engineer. I don't walk in and have some guy grab the board. I have my own studio and soldered every wire in the studio.
    - Sir Mix-a-Lot
  • Inventors often don't know how to pitch their ideas. So many people in Silicon Valley want to hear you say 'disruptive,' and tote a 'platform.' They repeat buzzwords over and over, and I think it intimidates a real inventor.
    - Sir Mix-a-Lot
  • I love Stuart Scott. There are a lot of people that tore down barriers that we don't really acknowledge sometimes. He was one. I think James Brown was too. That cat was a soul brother when it wasn't very popular to be one.
    - Sir Mix-a-Lot