Best quotes by Miranda Kerr on Myself

Checkout quotes by Miranda Kerr on Myself

  • Every day, I like to wake up and remind myself to be grateful of the simple things.
    - Miranda Kerr
  • I consider myself a good person. And I think people perceive me to be, 'Oh, she's nice,' but being a good person, knowing your strengths and working towards those strengths, and encouraging those around you to do the same, that's a good person.
    - Miranda Kerr
  • I've always had a burning desire to help people and make a difference in the world. I didn't know how I could do that in modelling when it can be such a fake world. But my dad told me I could make a difference by being true to myself and teaching people what I've learnt about spirituality, health and nutrition.
    - Miranda Kerr
  • If I was as relaxed as what I perceived myself to be, I would not be able to multi-task the way I multi-task.
    - Miranda Kerr
  • I always see myself as, like, equal to everyone.
    - Miranda Kerr
  • I'm a pretty driven person, and I've accepted that about myself. For a long time, I was like, 'I'm a very laid-back person, I grew up in the country,' but I'm also very driven, otherwise I wouldn't be where I am right now.
    - Miranda Kerr