Best quotes by Britt Robertson on People

Checkout quotes by Britt Robertson on People

  • I never had a problem with social situations. A lot of times, when people are in school, they can have a little hesitancy because people are mean sometimes. I never had that problem because I never had that experience. So, I had a pretty easy transition.
    - Britt Robertson
  • I don't like when people put their dishes in the dishwasher without scrubbing them properly because it comes out with those little white dots and then you can't get those out. And you have to rewash them.
    - Britt Robertson
  • I never talk about auditions. Even if I've got the role, I won't tell people until we're literally filming it.
    - Britt Robertson
  • I've gone to prom multiple times, had fights with the principal, a relationship with my teacher. When people ask if I wish I had gone to high school, I tell them that I've acted all of that stuff out, and it just doesn't seem like fun.
    - Britt Robertson
  • There have been times where I have been playing a 16-year-old, and people have been like, 'She still looks 12.' I'm like, 'I'm 22. What do you mean I don't look 16?' So I'm comfortable just rocking my young body.
    - Britt Robertson