Best quotes by Millie Bright on Game

Checkout quotes by Millie Bright on Game

  • People just need to be open-minded enough to accept the game for what it is. If you don't want to see it, then you're never going to appreciate it, which is fine; it's your choice. But we appreciate not being slated in the meantime.
    - Millie Bright
  • You win physically, you get momentum, and you get a foot in the game by winning your tackles and being dominant in that area. Then you can start to make your passes.
    - Millie Bright
  • I've always looked up to John Terry; he's a massive defender and a rock. His one-v-one defending and reading of the game have really educated me. I watch a lot of clips of him.
    - Millie Bright
  • Like many of us in the England squad, I wasn't even born when the men's team played Cameroon in the quarter-finals of the 1990 World Cup, so I couldn't tell you much about that game.
    - Millie Bright
  • The game is not just about the top four or five teams; it's the whole league that needs to be stable and developing. Without the other teams, we are nothing.
    - Millie Bright