Best quotes by Becky Sauerbrunn on Me

Checkout quotes by Becky Sauerbrunn on Me

  • As a defender, how much ground I cover isn't up to me. I'm defending against a forward, so her movement determines my movement.
    - Becky Sauerbrunn
  • I'm very hard on myself. I think that drives me because I don't want to let people down or let myself down. That fear of failing drives me from being complacent.
    - Becky Sauerbrunn
  • At the Olympics, I'm representing the United States as well as the town and people who helped shape me.
    - Becky Sauerbrunn
  • I always have oatmeal before training or a match. It's easy on the stomach, offers so many vitamins and minerals, and is slow-burning, so it won't leave me hungry at half-time.
    - Becky Sauerbrunn
  • I think everyone, including myself, was pretty surprised the first Freedom goal came from me. So when I think about that goal, all I can really do is laugh at the incredibility of it.
    - Becky Sauerbrunn
  • When I started with the national team, it was made very clear I was going to be the backup to Christie Rampone and Rachel Buehler. So for the first few years, it was just me training my heart out and pushing those centerbacks to be the best they could be.
    - Becky Sauerbrunn