Best quotes by Laurie David on Family

Checkout quotes by Laurie David on Family

  • Growing up, I didn't have great family dinners. We sat down every night, and my mother cooked food, but it was always about who was going to leave the table crying first.
    - Laurie David
  • Just because you've been divorced doesn't mean you're not still a family.
    - Laurie David
  • I was almost surprised to realize that I had actually done something right as a parent by insisting on regular family dinners.
    - Laurie David
  • Having a sit down, no screens, home cooked dinner is one of the most powerful things you can do as a parent and I believe it's the most important activity you can do as a family.
    - Laurie David
  • Family dinner is how we civilize our children. It is how we get them into good habits like drinking water with supper, saying please and thank you, learning how to listen and take turns. It's how we pass on our family histories.
    - Laurie David
  • As a young mom I was kind of desperate for some happy family moments and I realized that they don't usually show up all on their own, you have to create them - or at the very least, create an opportunity for them to bloom.
    - Laurie David
  • Family is anybody you sit down to a meal with - and very often, after college, your family is your friends or the people you work with.
    - Laurie David
  • If you're cooking at home, you'll eat healthier, and when you add family and friends into the mix, it enriches your social life, too.
    - Laurie David