Best quotes by Michael Clarke on Me

Checkout quotes by Michael Clarke on Me

  • I've had three young children close to me - my nephew, niece and my god-daughter - born into the world needing life-saving machines to help them survive.
    - Michael Clarke
  • The things that made me were the highs and the lows - that's what made me the cricketer I was when I retired. And the lows do a lot to give you a real kick up the backside in making sure you never take things for granted.
    - Michael Clarke
  • I always know in advance what I've got coming up. Preparation's important to me - it helps my performance.
    - Michael Clarke
  • The people who know me know I'm extremely private or try and be as private as I can with my personal life.
    - Michael Clarke
  • As a captain you probably take it more personally when the team doesn't have as much success as you would like, which probably just makes me work harder.
    - Michael Clarke
  • After getting dropped from the Australian team, for me it was always just about being the team, it doesn't matter where I bat.
    - Michael Clarke