Best quotes by Bill Pullman on Time

Checkout quotes by Bill Pullman on Time

  • If you are in an Edward Albee play, you say Edward Albee is the greatest playwright of all time... If you're in an Israel Horovitz play, you say Israel Horovitz is the greatest playwright of all time.
    - Bill Pullman
  • I was the kid who would join a sports team and be the biggest liability at first and a star player by the time the game got going. I just move very slowly.
    - Bill Pullman
  • I do take lots of time off between projects, but when the right thing comes along, I don't like to turn it down, I've been doing this for a decade, and I remember what it was like when I started. You spend maybe five percent of your time actually doing it, and the rest of the time, you're trying to get that five percent.
    - Bill Pullman
  • I'm not the first one to say it, but that time onstage is a heightened sense of present tense.
    - Bill Pullman
  • 'Zabriskie Point' was a time when I was in a lot of change and flux, and these incredible visuals hit me like they had rearranged the organs in my body. The ending and the free-floating debris and everything is an image that burned itself in my consciousness.
    - Bill Pullman
  • I think I was born out of my time.
    - Bill Pullman
  • I'm a very discriminating shoe shopper. I only look for something special. In fact, I don't think I've ever bought two pairs at the same time.
    - Bill Pullman
  • The idea of taking classic American stories and reinterpreting them for a time and place is not just commercially viable. These stories also carry a sensual nature of what it meant to be an American, and they deserve to be reinterpreted.
    - Bill Pullman