Best quotes by James Fallows on People

Checkout quotes by James Fallows on People

  • I seem to be one of the few people in journalism who never worked or wrote for the 'Boston Phoenix.' I certainly read and admired it, and feel the same general malaise at news that it is gone.
    - James Fallows
  • For a decade or more after the Vietnam war, the people who had guided the U.S. to disaster decently shrank from the public stage.
    - James Fallows
  • When I was living in China, I learned to make things hyper-explicit because often they were being read by people whose command of English kept them from picking up what I thought were obvious signals.
    - James Fallows
  • Chinese emissions are a problem not just for its own people but also for the world. It has now overtaken the U.S. as the biggest carbon emitter; most of the coal that is burned anywhere on Earth is burned in China.
    - James Fallows
  • The air that people breathe in many Chinese cities has become dangerously polluted. Their food supply is subject to constant contamination scandals. Now it appears that not merely stagnant ponds but the water people draw from deep underground is already tainted.
    - James Fallows