Best quotes by Diana Silvers on Me

Checkout quotes by Diana Silvers on Me

  • I played tennis. My older brother, Joseph, was a cello player, and I played the cello, but he was better than me at the cello, and he was also a better tennis player than me, so I was always like, 'I wish there was something that only I did!'
    - Diana Silvers
  • Photography is very personal to me. God knows how many rolls of film I have that I've never shared.
    - Diana Silvers
  • Being 1 of 6 made me a weirdo in school. We were like the von Trapps, and our house was like the 'Hunger Games.' Anytime my mom would get a good, sugary cereal, I'd hide a bag from my three older brothers, who'd eat everything.
    - Diana Silvers
  • I know I wouldn't have made the callback for 'Ma' if my father's house had not burned down because I would have been in finals. My teachers would not have been chill with me leaving in the middle of my Medieval Magic final.
    - Diana Silvers
  • A lot of what I do outside acting is really just for me.
    - Diana Silvers
  • My dad put me in a theater group camp at Santa Monica Playhouse when I was, like, six, and then I started to realize I really liked it when I was 11 or 12; it was nice to just escape.
    - Diana Silvers
  • The boy I was crazy about was super into photography, so I weaseled my way into AP Photo to impress him and spend more time with him. He never liked me back, but I ended up spending most my senior year in the darkroom - it became a sort of safe haven for me.
    - Diana Silvers
  • I would love to play roles that continue to challenge and push me in different directions - emotionally, mentally, and physically as well.
    - Diana Silvers