Best quotes by Ali MacGraw on Life

Checkout quotes by Ali MacGraw on Life

  • I fully expect to be doing yoga for the rest of my life.
    - Ali MacGraw
  • I fully expect to be doing yoga for the rest of my life.
    - Ali MacGraw
  • The quality of my life has changed dramatically - not the events - but the way I handle them and my priorities and my sense of drama.
    - Ali MacGraw
  • The quality of my life has changed dramatically - not the events - but the way I handle them and my priorities and my sense of drama.
    - Ali MacGraw
  • Modeling was so fleeting it doesn't count in my life scheme.
    - Ali MacGraw
  • Modeling was so fleeting it doesn't count in my life scheme.
    - Ali MacGraw
  • There's so much craziness that comes along with being a movie star that you can get so confused. Unless you've spent your whole life waiting to be the centre of attention, it's pretty terrifying.
    - Ali MacGraw
  • I'm in total awe of the technique of great film people. Because if you get your emotional life up to perfection by miracle on Take One, you better have a technique to keep doing it again and again and again.
    - Ali MacGraw
  • I have this amazing life.
    - Ali MacGraw