Best quotes by Martin Cooper on People

Checkout quotes by Martin Cooper on People

  • People are mobile. They move around, and anytime they want to communicate, if you tie them to the wall or the wires, you're restricting them, you're infringing on their freedom.
    - Martin Cooper
  • What's the biggest function of a cell phone? What does a cell phone do for humanity? It makes people more productive.
    - Martin Cooper
  • It pleases me no end to have had some small impact on people's lives because these phones do make people's lives better. They promote productivity, they make people more comfortable, they make them feel safe and all of those things.
    - Martin Cooper
  • Given a choice, people will demand the freedom to communicate wherever they are, unfettered by the infamous copper wire.
    - Martin Cooper
  • There were a lot of naysayers over the years. People would say, 'Why are we spending all of this money? Are you sure this cellular thing will turn out to be something?'
    - Martin Cooper
  • Of course I have an iPhone and I use that, interestingly enough, mostly for my calendar because it synchronizes with my calendar. I take pictures with it and I show people pictures of my grandchildren.
    - Martin Cooper
  • If you want people to think out of the box, you shouldn't create the box in the first place.
    - Martin Cooper
  • Just suppose that you could do a physical examination, not every year, which people do and which is almost worthless, but every minute, because you're connected, and because we have devices that you can put on your body that measure virtually everything on your body.
    - Martin Cooper
  • The biggest innovation of all is social networking, and cellular technology is the facilitator for social networking. People are mobile; social networking is people, and the only way people connect with each other is wirelessly.
    - Martin Cooper
  • I have a mantra that people are naturally, fundamentally and inherently mobile.
    - Martin Cooper
  • I think projects often fail because people do not have a clear understanding at the start what they are trying to deliver.
    - Martin Cooper