Best quotes by Harold Prince on People

Checkout quotes by Harold Prince on People

  • I remember when people actually wore coats and ties to theatre every night. They don't anymore. It's very different.
    - Harold Prince
  • Collaboration is just, really, a group of people getting in a room with their eye on a very similar prize and wanting to come out with the same show. The director, ultimately, is the guy in front of whom the buck stops. So, he has to have the courage to prevail. But, he has got to have a huge amount of respect for his collaborators.
    - Harold Prince
  • Most of the big money people don't know what would interest an audience if you did it. They only know what interested the audience last time.
    - Harold Prince
  • I feel so much more comfortable when I'm working on material which makes other people scratch their heads and ask, 'You're going to make a musical out of that?'
    - Harold Prince
  • I would like to see more new productions of new material by new composers/lyricists/book writers. I would like to see people take more chances. I think because everything costs so much they're not taking the chances they used to.
    - Harold Prince
  • I think when you start analyzing trends and start making shows for a particular audience, you are making a fatal move. I think that's why people are doing too many revivals, that's why there's a plethora of rock musicals. There's room for everything, but not room for too much of anything.
    - Harold Prince