Best quotes by Walter Lang on God

Checkout quotes by Walter Lang on God

  • Being made in the image of God, man was the crown of creation.
    - Walter Lang
  • Time was God's first creation.
    - Walter Lang
  • With our knowledge of modern-day genetics, we realize that it was possible for God to place the potential for all people throughout history into the genes of Adam and Eve when He created them.
    - Walter Lang
  • God has stated in clear and concise language how He created the universe and we ought not to doubt His Word.
    - Walter Lang
  • Following the creation concept that creation processes differed from preservation processes, it is suggested that God endowed each created kind, at the time of its creation, with potential for vast variety.
    - Walter Lang
  • In Christ the original image of God is restored, by faith in this world and by sight in the world to come.
    - Walter Lang
  • Some people turn from God because they cannot understand how a good God can permit evil in the world.
    - Walter Lang
  • Essentially this promise before curse, this superiority of God's love in Christ, must come from the Bible.
    - Walter Lang
  • Language expresses people's thinking and it was by a Word that God created the world and preserves it.
    - Walter Lang
  • Thus, races arose from an original coding which God pulled out as needed for adaptation to the environment.
    - Walter Lang
  • Time is not eternal but was created by God at the beginning.
    - Walter Lang