Best quotes by Richard E. Grant on Life

Checkout quotes by Richard E. Grant on Life

  • Never give up. You only get one life. Go for it!
    - Richard E. Grant
  • I've kept a diary since I was 11. It's a way of taking stock, almost meditative, trying to make sense of stuff because life is chaotic.
    - Richard E. Grant
  • I think I have a romantic idea of life; I certainly have a romantic outlook. I think. I hope.
    - Richard E. Grant
  • The movies are something that I've been obsessed with, and I've subscribed to movie magazines all my life, since I was a child.
    - Richard E. Grant
  • The movies are something that I've been obsessed with, and I've subscribed to movie magazines all my life, since I was a child.
    - Richard E. Grant
  • My parents were divorced when I was 11, and it made such a profound impression on my life that I suppose I thought that by not getting married, you could avoid your life being carved in two.
    - Richard E. Grant
  • My parents were divorced when I was 11, and it made such a profound impression on my life that I suppose I thought that by not getting married, you could avoid your life being carved in two.
    - Richard E. Grant
  • I was brought up to appreciate the here and now, and, knowing this is your only life, to view death as an inevitable and reassuring end.
    - Richard E. Grant
  • I've been led by my nose all my life and tried to make perfume by boiling sugar water in jam jars and stuffing them full of gardenia and rose petals when I was growing up in Swaziland.
    - Richard E. Grant
  • I've been led by my nose all my life and tried to make perfume by boiling sugar water in jam jars and stuffing them full of gardenia and rose petals when I was growing up in Swaziland.
    - Richard E. Grant