Best quotes by Marley Dias on People

Checkout quotes by Marley Dias on People

  • People say, 'Dream big!' - but you have to think about the logistics. It's not just coming up with a great idea; it's how you can sell or market or promote that great idea.
    - Marley Dias
  • I have role models, but I take the attributes of the people that I admire, and I use them to create my best self.
    - Marley Dias
  • You always need to make sure that you're looking at every angle and every perspective so that people, when they read the story, know what's happening. You have to write for everyone.
    - Marley Dias
  • Social actions means that you find an issue in your community, and you create an initiative to solve that issue or to help people.
    - Marley Dias
  • It's important to read books and see people who look like you. It helps you know that you are not the only one or the weird one because you're a black girl and you are not seeing anyone who looks like you in these books.
    - Marley Dias
  • Like feminism, I want to create systems and structures for the equity for all people, especially girls and women.
    - Marley Dias