Best quotes by Rain Dove on Women

Checkout quotes by Rain Dove on Women

  • I think it's a different kind of activism. Like, women shouldn't have to step into men's roles to be empowered. They should be able to step into themselves. So that's what I try to bring, that we shouldn't be thinking of it as menswear or womenswear; it should be clothing for people.
    - Rain Dove
  • Men are taught they are going to make a lot less in the fashion industry, so they don't bank their entire lives on it. They're very supportive. Women, on the other hand, are more competitive. They always assume I'm trans and say, 'How did they make clothing in your size?'
    - Rain Dove
  • You don't see Victoria's Secret women running around with even short hair. That's too crazy for them.
    - Rain Dove
  • The Olympics represent a global standard - for men, for women, for athletics.
    - Rain Dove
  • I feel more comfortable in men's clothing, and I'm a lot of more convincing as a boy than as a gendered female. But with women's clothing, I feel more empowered.
    - Rain Dove